Italian implementation

Italian NeTEx Profile

For the exchange of Public Transport (PT) data with Italian National Access Point (NAP), a NeTEx Profile has been defined among the affected stakeholders.

The profile is a subset of the standard; it has been defined selecting the needed concepts (entities and associated attributes) for specific use cases or set of use cases and complemented by rules defined to restrict possibilities of divergent interpretations of open parts of the standard.

For Italy, Passenger Information and PT contracts information exchange have been identified as primary Use Cases. In this perspective two levels profile has been defined:

  1. Passenger Information profile (level 1)
  2. Contracts profile (level 2 – incremental)

The italian Profile will be then extended to cover Fares, Alternative Modes (sharing mobility, micromobility) and Accessibility Use Cases, in order to cover all the category data required by Del. Reg. 1926/2017.

Passenger Information profile

Typical  Passenger Information’s Use Cases are:

  • provision of operativity calendars and timetables
  • provision of network topology and routes
  • provision of transport operators
  • provision of access nodes to stop places

For the level 1 of the Italian Netex Profile, European Passenger Information Profile (EPIP) has been identified as defined in the CEN Technical Specification prTS 16614:PI Profile.

Contracts profile

For Contracts, Use Cases are:

  • provision of Contract / Journey Accounting (with operator roles)
  • provision of Stop Points Facilities (ticketing, accessibility, safety, etc.)
  • provision of Vehicles Equipments (lift/ramps, wheelchair etc)

The level 2 of the Italian Netex Profile, is defined upon the first level of European Passenger Information Profile (EPIP).

Italian implementation

For the Italian NeTEx profile implementation , a dedicated Guideline document has been defined together with an example for each level that shows how to fill the needed structures: the first fully compliant with EPIP (European Passenger Information Profile) and the second including level 2 of NeTEx Italian Profile (e.g. contracts).


The italian NeTEx profile is used to exchange with the NAP MMTIS (National Access Point Multi-Modal Travel Information Services) the transport information collected at regional level through collectors named RAP (Regional Access Points) and National Transport Operators. The following figure shows the architecture of this implementation:



Italian Documents Download

The Italian NeTEx profile
The Italian NeTEx Profile xsd definitions
The Italian NeTEx Profile examples
The NAP MMTIS and RAPs communication API specifications